Client Spotlight - Karen, John, & Bo

Bo, the 10 month old, 90lb Labrador mix LOVES the dog park. So much so, that he DRAGS his owner, Karen, to the park every. single. day. Sounds like fun right? Well, maybe if you were attached to Bo via a skateboard!

Karen called me, desperate for change. She wanted to ENJOY her walks with Bo. At this point she dreaded them, but knew he enjoyed the park and needed to expend some energy, so she kept up with the walks to the park until she just couldn’t anymore.

Bo is a lot like many of my clients’ dogs. Overly friendly, exuberant, well-intentioned, but not well-mannered. His owners love him to death, but are at their wit’s end and just don’t know how to create the change themselves.

I met Bo, Karen, and John for their first session in their Rocklin home and immediately go to work. Within that first hour, Bo understood there were rules on the walk now - he couldn’t just pull his owner just because he wanted to make it to the dog park in time to check his Pee-mail - Karen could walk him with ease, and John (who was temporarily in a motorized wheel chair), could also walk him without any pulling! Success! A nice easy walk to the dog park that the whole family could actually enjoy.

Bo walking with Karen after training with Liz during their first session together. Prior to this, Karen was being dragged on their walks together!

John walk with Bo during that first session!

During their subsequent training sessions with Liz, Bo learned to relax more in the house, stay in once spot when asked to, come when called, and to stop pestering guests and their older small dog whenever he felt like it. And Karen and John? They get to welcome their very large dog inside more and actually ENJOY spending time with him. I’d say it was a win for everyone.

Bo completed Rebel Dog Training’s Private Session Program where Liz came to train in the owners’ home for 4 sessions. Learn more about the program here!

labrador mix, dog training, rocklin california

Bo relaxing [next to] place during our second training session together. Letting his fun-loving personality shine through still.


6 Reasons You Shouldn’t Take Your Dog to the Dog Park, and 3 Things You Can Do Instead